Sunday, December 27, 2009

Adakah makanan syubhah pilihan kita?

Akhir-akhir ini, restoren berkonsepkan kopitiam tubuh melata di pelusuk tanahair kita, umpama cendawan yang baru tumbuh selepas hujan. Walau bagaimanapun, tahukah anda ada sebahagian daripada restoren tersebut status sijil halalnya diragui, apatah lagi hidangan yang disediakan oleh mereka.

Sejujurnya, telah lama saya mendapat khabar tentang keraguan individu tertentu pasal restoren tersebut tetapi disangkal oleh seorang rakan bahawa tiada apa yang hendak diragukan, barangkali dia juga pernah makan disitu, dek kerana tiada sumber untuk membenarkan dakwaan tersebut, ditambah pula saya belum pernah ke restoren tersebut, apatah lagi makan di situ, saya diamkan sahaja.

Hari ini, keraguan saya ada asasnya setelah membaca sumber yang diperoleh dari blog Drs. Khalil Idham Lim "Cina Islam" melalui posting bertajuk (Halalkah makanan di Kopitiam "Old Town White Coffee" & "Pak Hainan"?) hasil nukilan Jefri Mustafa.

Untuk mengekalkan keaslian dan hak cipta penulis asal, saya hanya meletakkan link sahaja ke blog tersebut agar dapat saya praktikkan gaya penulisan ilmiah yang dipelajari sepanjang di Taman Ilmu dan Budi, disamping menjaga hak individu tertentu.

Oleh hal yang sedemikian, saudara dan saudari yang berminat tentang topik ini, boleh sahaja klik link di bawah ini atau membuka secara langsung ke blog YB Khalil Idham Lim. Semoga posting ini dapat memberi kesedaran kepada kita semua supaya dihindari dari segala macam fitnah dan syubhah di akhir zaman ini, Insya'Allah..Amin!

Kepada tuan punya restoren, jika benar dakwaan tersebut, sila hentikan perniagaan anda, hormati sensitiviti rakyat pelbagai agama dan bangsa di Malaysia, dan jika dakwaan tersebut tiada asasnya, tunjukkan jalan penyelesaian, kemuka bukti dan hujah anda, agar kita sama-sama dapat perbetulkan keadaan.

Jesteru itu, saudara dan saudari Muslimku yang dikasihi, marilah kita menjaga makanan, pakaian, tempat tinggal dan tempat ibadah kita agar bebas dari segala kemusykilan. Bertukarlah kepada produk-produk Muslim, biar mahal sedikit atau kurang ternama, tapi terjamin halalnya. Semoga dengan mengamalkan produk tersebut tiada lagi penghalang ibadah dan doa kita kepada Allah.

Di dalam Hadith Nabi S.A.W jelas menyatakan bahawasanya yang halal itu jelas, dan yang haram itu jelas, dan di antara keduanya perkara yang syubhah atau boleh mengundang keraguan. Jadi marilah kita mengutamakan yang halal kerana mencari yang halal itu fardhu ke atas Muslim.

Please Click Here: HALAL kah makanan di Kopitiam "OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE" & "PAK HAINAN"?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bermulanya semester akhirku di UIAM

Alhamdulillah, dalam sedar atau tidak, semester akhirku telah bermula dan bakal memasuki minggu ke-3. Disebabkan hambatan waktu yang tidak mengizinkan, ditambah pula proses independent study yang baru sahaja selesai, kini tibalah masa untuk aku mengemaskini blog.

Seperti yang diduga, semester ni ku rasakan semester yang paling sunyi, ramai rakan-rakan yang telah graduate. Jadi, kami di Taman Ilmu dan Budi ini tidak boleh tidak mesti meneruskan perjuangan dalam menuntut ilmu di atas muka bumi Allah.

Berkebetulan pula dengan Awal Muharam atau sambutan Ma'al Hirah, ku harap kehadiran bulan ini meningkatkan lagi keazaman diri untuk beribadah kepada Allah dan beramal sesama manusia. Semoga diriku mampu melakukan penghijrahan kepada sesuatu yang diredhai Allah...Amin!

Harapanku juga, semoga dengan kehadiran Awal Muharam, memberikan keazaman kepada diriku untuk menuntut ilmu lebih bersungguh-sungguh, semoga aku berjaya graduate semester ini dengan jayanya...Insya'Allah.

Insya'Allah, selepas melangkah ke alam pekerjaan, dan memantapkan ekonomi diri, jika diberi kekuatan akanku sambung pengajian ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi selagi termampu, semoga diizinkan Allah untuk sentiasa menuntut ilmu dijalannya kerana Islam itu sendiri menganjurkan umatnya untuk menuntut ilmu tanpa mengira usia dan masa.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bagaimana daku memperoleh namaku?

Alkisah, suatu masa dahulu, ada seorang insan yang bakal bergelar bapa pulang dari masjid di Qariahnya. Di dalam benak fikirannya terngiang-ngiang cerita seorang sahabat di zaman Rasulullah yang disampaikan seorang ustaz di masjid tersebut:

[Manusia bagai barang tambang. Mereka yang terbaik pada masa Jahiliyah, terbaik pula pada masa Islam. Milikilah dua karakter yang telah ditetapkan oleh seorang sahabat pada masa Jahiliyah, kemudian ditonjolkan pula pada masa Islam. Sahabat tersebut pada masa Jahiliyah dipanggil Zaid Al-Khail dan pada masa Islam dipanggil oleh Rasulullah SAW sebagai Zaid Al-Khair.

Suatu ketika di masa Jahiliyah, Zaid Al-Khail menggembalakan unta-unta milik saudara perempuannya. Jumlahnya kira-kira seratus ekor. Menjelang Maghrib, Zaid yang dibantu dua orang sahayanya menambatkan unta-untanya dekat sebuah tenda yang terbuat dari kulit. Di dalam tenda tinggal seorang tua bernama Muhalhil, ayah Zaid Al-Khail.

Zaid maupun kedua pembantunya tak menyadari kehadiran tamu tak diundang yang sejak tadi mengintai dari balik semak. Malam kian larut, dingin, dan pekat. Zaid Al-Khail dan kedua pembantunya tertidur kelelahan setelah seharian menggembalakan unta. Begitu pun dengan ayah Zaid, Muhalhil. Dalam kegelapan malam, sesosok bayangan berkelebat mendekati tempat unta jantan ditambat. Ia lepaskan tali unta itu, dan menungganginya meninggalkan tenda. Unta-unta lainnya mengikuti unta jantan itu.

Zaid baru menyadari unta-untanya raib ketika bangun tidur di pagi hari. Tanpa pikir panjang ia raih tali kekang kuda dan memacunya mengejar si pencuri. Menjelang tengah hari, Zaid baru menemukan jejak si pencuri. Ia pun makin mempercepat memacu kudanya. Akhirnya Zaid Al-Khail berhasil menemukan si pencuri.

Merasa dirinya terkejar, si pencuri segera turun dari unta jantan yang ditungganginya dan menambatkannya pada sebatang pohon kering. Si pencuri mengeluarkan anak panah dan membidikkan pada Zaid Al-Khail.

"Lepaskan unta jantan itu!" perintah Zaid dari atas punggung kudanya.

"Tidak !" jawab si pencuri. "Aku meninggalkan keluargaku di Hirah (Irak) dalam kondisi kelaparan. Aku telah bersumpah tidak akan kembali kepada mereka sebelum berhasil membawakan mereka makanan atau aku mati karenanya."

"Lepaskan unta jantan itu!" bentak Zaid mengulangi perintahnya. "Jika tidak kamu lepaskan, kubunuh kamu."

"Tidak! Aku tidak akan melepaskan unta itu, apa pun yang terjadi!" tantang si pencuri sambil tetap membidikkan anak panahnya ke arah Zaid Al-Khail.

Zaid Al-Khail berkata, "Kalau begitu, rentangkan tali unta jantan itu. Di situ terdapat tiga simpul. Tunjukkan padaku simpul mana yang harus kupanah."

Si pencuri memenuhi permintaan Zaid dan memintanya untuk memanah simpul yang tengah. Zaid membidikkan anak panah dan melepaskannya tepat mengenai sasaran. Si pencuri penasaran dan menunjuk dua simpul lainnya untuk dipanah. Zaid pun segera melepaskan anak panah dan lagi-lagi tepat mengenai sasaran. Melihat kenyataan itu si pencuri segera memasukkan anak panahnya dan menyerah.

Masih di atas kudanya, Zaid Al-Khail menghampiri si pencuri dan melucuti pedang dan panahnya. "Kamu naik di belakangku!" perintah Zaid kepada si pencuri. Setelah membonceng di belakangnya, Zaid bertanya, "Hukuman apa yang akan aku jatuhkan padamu."

"Tentu hukuman berat," jawab si pencuri.

"Mengapa demikian?" tanya Zaid lagi.

"Karena perbuatanku telah menyusahkanmu. Allah memenangkan kamu dan mengalahkan aku," jawab si pencuri.

Setelah berdialog panjang si pencuri akhirnya menyadari bahwa yang saat ini memboncengkannya itu adalah Zaid Al-Khail bin Muhalhil yang dikenal sebagai penawan yang baik. Dalam perjalanan ke perkemahan, Zaid berkata kepada si pencuri, "Demi Allah, seandainya unta-unta ini milikku sendiri, sungguh akan kuberikan semuanya kepadamu. Tinggallah di kemahku dua atau tiga hari. Tak lama lagi akan terjadi peperangan dimana aku akan memperoleh harta rampasan."

Benar apa yang dikatakan Zaid Al-Khail. Pada hari ketiga ia menyerang Bani Numair dan memperoleh harta rampasan sebanyak seratus ekor unta. Unta rampasan itu diberikan kepada si pencuri. Itulah karakter Zaid Al-Khail pada masa Jahiliyah. Berita tentang kenabian Muhammad SAW dengan agama yang dibawanya sampai ke telinga Zaid Al-Khail. Satu delegasi besar yang terdiri dari pemimpin kaum Thayi', kaumnya Zaid Al-Khail, berangkat ke Yatsrib (Madinah) hendak menemui Rasulullah SAW. Mereka langsung menuju Masjid Nabawi, tempat Rasulullah SAW mengajarkan Islam.

Melihat kedatangan mereka, Nabi SAW menyampaikan pidatonya kepada kaum Muslimin yang ada di Masjid. "Aku lebih baik bagi tuan-tuan dari pada berhala 'Uzza dan sejumlah berhala yang tuan-tuan sembah. Aku lebih baik bagi tuan-tuan daripada unta hitam dan segala yang tuan-tuan sembah selain Allah."

Setelah Rasulullah selesai berpidato, Zaid Al-Khail berdiri di antara jamaah kaum Muslimin dan berkata, "Ya Muhammad, aku bersaksi tidak ada tuhan selain Allah, dan sesungguhnya engkau adalah Rasulullah."

Rasulullah SAW menoleh ke arahnya dan bertanya, "Siapa Anda?"

"Saya Zaid Al-Khail bin Muhalhil," jawabnya.

Rasulullah bersabda, "Anda Zaid Al-Khair bukan Zaid Al-Khail. Segala puji bagi Allah yang membawa Anda kesini dari kampung Anda, dan melunakkan hati Anda menerima Islam."

Sejak itu Zaid Al-Khail dikenal dengan Zaid Al-Khair. Rasulullah SAW membawanya ke rumah beliau didampingi Umar bin Khattab dan beberapa sahabat lainnya. Mereka membentuk majelis halaqah. Pada kesempatan itu, Nabi SAW bersabda, "Belum pernah saya mengenal orang yang memiliki karakter seperti Anda. Hai Zaid! Dalam diri Anda terdapat dua sifat yang disukai Allah dan Rasul-Nya."

"Apakah itu ya Rasulullah?" tanya Zaid.

Nabi SAW menjawab, "Sabar dan santun."

"Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah menjadikanku memiliki sifat-sifat yang disukai Allah dan Rasul-Nya," ujar Zaid. Zaid berkata kepada Rasulullah, "Berilah aku tiga ratus penunggang kuda yang cekatan. Saya berjanji akan menyerang negeri Romawi dan mengambil negeri itu dari tangan mereka." Rasulullah SAW mengagumi cita-cita Zaid itu. Beliau berkata, "Alangkah besarnya cita-cita Anda, hai Zaid. Belum ada orang seperti Anda."

Sebelum memenuhi cita-citanya itu, Allah berkehendak lain terhadap Zaid Al-Khair. Selama berada di Madinah, Zaid terkena wabah demam. Tubuhnya panas tinggi. Tak lama kemudian ia menghembuskan nafas terakhir, menghadap Sang Khaliq. Sedikit sekali waktu yang terluang baginya setelah masuk Islam, sehingga tidak ada peluang baginya untuk berbuat dosa. Zaid wafat tak lama setelah menyatakan keislamannya di hadapan Rasulullah SAW.]

Berbekalkan pengajaran dari keluhuran budi Zaidul Khail yang ditukarkan namanya kepada Zaid Al-Khair sesudah Islamnya, telah menambat hati seorang bapa menamakan anaknya dengan nama sahabat tersebut. Lalu, dinamakan anaknya Mohd Zaid Khairi B. Ainul Jamal...heh.

Begitulah keadaannya daku mendapat nama. Semoga berkat dari kisah sahabat tersebut, memotivasikan lagi diriku ini untuk sentiasa mengamalkan kebajikan dan menjauhi kemungkaran, Insya'Allah...Amin!

Maaf sumbernya diambil dari website Indonesia, harap kalian mampu memahaminya.

Sumber: Oase Islam

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Doa untuk menyelamatkan diri dari fitnah dajjal

Nabi Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam mengajarkan beberapa doa untuk menyelamatkan diri dari fitnah dajjal, di antaranya:

Pertama, bacalah doa permohonan perlindungan Allah pada ketika duduk solat tahiyyat akhir, sebelum memberi salam kanan dan kiri:

اللهم إني أعوذبك بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ وَمِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ وَمِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ
"Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepadaMu dari azab jahannam, dari azab kubur, dari fitnah kehidupan dan kematian serta dari jahatnya fitnah Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal" (HR Muslim)

Kedua, bacalah surat Al-Kahfi di malam Jumaat atau Hari Jumat sesuai hadith berikut :
من قرأ سورة الكهف يوم الجمعة فأدرك الدجال لم يسلط عليه ، - أو قال : لم يضره
“Barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Kahfi di hari Jumaat, maka Dajjal tidak mampu menguasainya atau memudharatkannya.” (HR Baihaqi)

Ketiga, hafalkan sepuluh ayat pertama surat Al-Kahfi sesuai hadith berikut :
مَنْ حَفِظَ عَشْرَ آيَاتٍ مِنْ أَوَّلِ سُورَةِ الْكَهْفِ عُصِمَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الدَّجَّالِ
"Barangsiapa menghafal sepuluh ayat pertama surah Al-Kahfi, dia terlindungi dari fitnah Dajjal." (HR Abu Daud)

Keempat, menjauh dan tidak berkeinginan mendekati Dajjal pada masa kemunculannya telah tiba sesuai hadith berikut :
مَنْ سَمِعَ بِالدَّجَّالِ فَلْيَنْأَ عَنْهُ فَوَاللَّهِ إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ لَيَأْتِيهِ وَهُوَ يَحْسِبُ أَنَّهُ مُؤْمِنٌ فَيَتَّبِعُهُ مِمَّا يَبْعَثُ بِهِ مِنْ الشُّبُهَاتِ أَوْ لِمَا يَبْعَثُ بِهِ مِنْ الشُّبُهَاتِ هَكَذَا قَال
"Barangsiapa mendengar tentang Dajjal, hendaknya dia berusaha menjauh darinya, kerana -demi Allah- sesungguhnya ada seseorang yang mendekatinya (Dajjal) sedang dia mengira bahawa Dajjal tersebut mukmin kemudian dia mengikutinya kerana faktor syubhat (tipu daya) yang ditimbulkannya." (HR Abu Dawud)

Kelima, menetap di Mekah atau Madinah pada masa Dajjal telah keluar dan berkeliaran dengan segenap fitnah yang ditimbulkannya. Sebagaimana hadith berikut :
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَيْسَ مِنْ بَلَدٍ إِلَّا سَيَطَؤُهُ الدَّجَّالُ إِلَّا مَكَّةَ وَالْمَدِينَةَ وَلَيْسَ نَقْبٌ مِنْ أَنْقَابِهَا إِلَّا عَلَيْهِ الْمَلَائِكَةُ صَافِّينَ تَحْرُسُهَا
"Tidak ada negeri (di dunia) melainkan akan dijejak (dilanda) oleh Dajjal kecuali Mekah dan Madinah kerana setiap jalan dan lereng bukit dijagai oleh barisan Malaikat." (HR Bukhari-Muslim)

Sumber: Atriza (Detik Daily)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mendefinisikan 'Eid Al-Adha

Hari Raya Aidiladha (bahasa Arab: عيد الأضحى 'Eid Ul-Adha) atau Hari Raya Haji merupakan perayaan yang dirayakan di seluruh dunia. Ia adalah perayaan terbesar di dalam Islam selain Aidilfitri yang disambut pada setiap 1 Syawal. Aidiladha disambut pada hari ke sepuluh, sebelas, dua belas dan tiga belas bulan Zulhijjah setiap tahun. Bermula dengan Takbir Aidiladha pada malam 10 Zulhijjah, diikuti dengan solat sunat Aidiladha serta khutbah Aidiladha di pagi 10 Zulhijjah, sambutan diikuti dengan ibadah korban yang boleh dilakukan samada pada 10 atau 11 atau 12 atau siang 13 Zulhijjah.

Aidiladha adalah perayaan yang istimewa kerana ia merupakan hari untuk umat Islam memperingati kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dalam menunaikan perintah Allah dan ke-sabaran anaknya Nabi Ismail dalam memenuhi perintah Allah s.w.t.

Selain itu, salah satu keistimewaan Aidiladha dan Hari Tasyrik ialah ibadat korban. Ibadat korban ini hanya boleh dilakukan dalam empat hari iaitu bermula waktu selepas khatib menyampaikan khutbah Aidiladha sehingga sebelum tenggelam matahari pada hari ke-13 Zulhijah.

Dari segi bahasa, korban bermaksud dekat, manakala dari segi istilah ia bermaksud menjalankan perintah agama atau taat kepada perintah Allah kerana ingin mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya.

Hari Raya Korban jatuh pada hari kesepuluh pada bulan Zulhijjah, bulan terakhir pada kalender Hijrah Islam. 10 Zulhijjah merupakan tarikh penting dalam sejarah Islam di mana Nabi Adam dan isterinya Hawa dikeluarkan dari syurga dan diturunkan ke bumi sebelum berjumpa di padang Arafah, di luar bandar Mekah.

Pada hari raya, orang Islam disunatkan mengenakan pakaian yang paling cantik, paling bersih, dan juga mengenakan wangi-wangian. Pada pagi hari raya korban, umat Islam akan mengerjakan sembahyang sunat Hari Raya sebanyak 2 rakaat akan diadakan pada sebelah pagi, biasanya agak awal sedikit Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

Selain itu, salah satu keistimewaan Aidiladha dan Hari Tasyrik ialah ibadat korban. Ibadat korban ini hanya boleh dilakukan dalam empat hari iaitu bermula waktu selepas khatib menyampaikan khutbah Aidiladha sehingga sebelum tenggelam matahari pada hari ke-13 Zulhijah.

Sumber: Wikipedia (Melayu/English)

Apa itu Doa Robithoh?

Ya Allah...Engkau mengetahui bahwa hati-hati ini telah berhimpun dalam cinta padaMu, telah berjumpa dalam taat padaMu, telah bersatu dalam dakwah padaMu, telah berpadu dalam membela syari’atMu. Kukuhkanlah, ya Allah, ikatannya. Kekalkanlah cintanya. Tunjukilah jalan-jalannya. Penuhilah hati-hati ini dengan nur cahayaMu yang tiada pernah pudar. Lapangkanlah dada-dada kami dengan limpahan keimanan kepadaMu dan keindahan bertawakkal kepadaMu. Nyalakanlah hati kami dengan berma’rifat padaMu. Matikanlah kami dalam syahid di jalanMu. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah sebaik-baik pelindung dan sebaik-baik penolong. Ya Allah. Amin. Sampaikanlah kesejahteraan, ya Allah, pada junjungan kami, Muhammad, keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan limpahkanlah kepada mereka keselamatan.

Sumber: Klik

Aku selalu mendengar doa ini selalu dibacakan samaada selepas solat mahupun di dalam Al-Ma'thurat, akan tetapi aku kurang prihatin akan kelebihan atau rahsia yang tersirat disebalik doa ini.

Aku diingatkan semula oleh sahabatku Razman pada semester 2, 2008/2009 setelah beliau mengajakku melihat trailer cerita Indonesia Sang Murabbi.

Baru ku sedar, lihat saja pada perkataan "Robithoh" itu sendiri boleh dikaitkan sebagai ikatan. Doa ini boleh juga dipanggil sebagai Doa Penyatuan Hati, doa ini kerap dibaca oleh para Mujahid yang hidup dalam suasana jemaah, agar mereka dikuatkan hati untuk bersatu dalam meneruskan agenda dakwah dan dilapangkan hati dari segala kesusahan serta cabaran di atas muka bumi Allah ini.

Memandangkan diri ini agak terlewat untuk merasai suasana dalam hidup berjemaah, diri ini agak terlewat untuk menyedari bahawa Doa Robithoh yang ku baca selama ini dari bacaan Al-Ma'thurat yang diajar dan diamal sejak bangku sekolah itu tersembunyi seribu satu rahsia, disamping ia merupakan doa yang mustajab dari Rasulullah S.A.W.

Terima Kasih sahabatku Razman kerana mengingatkanku tentang doa ini...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Favourite Nasyid Team

Inilah salah satu kumpulan nasyid di Malaysia yang aku minati (Mirwana). Kumpulan ni aku kenal sejak mula menjejakkan kakiku ke Sekolah Agama Menengah Rawang (SAMER) pada 1999.

Dimana sejak bermula hari orientasi lagi, halwa telinga kami dijamu oleh senior dengan lagu dari album Mirwana-G.E.N.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.S. Antara lagu-lagu yang selalu diputarkan di Bilik Hebahan: Alam persekolahan, Dunia Batu Kaca, Dunia Baru Kita, Layar Kehidupan dan banyak lagi. Nostalgia sungguh...huk2.

Memang lagu-lagu dari Mirwana berjaya menusuk hatiku, memandangkan dari sekolah rendah dah minat nasyid, so bila didedahkan dengan lagu Mirwana ni minat untuk bernasyid meluap-luap. So merasa juga jadi anggota rasmi dan tak rasmi Kumpulan Al-Wahdah (SAMER)..heh.

Memang tak dinafikan, album dari Mirwana ni liriknya memang ada mesej yang baik untuk difahami dan dihayati bersama. Ditambah pula genre atau konsep muzik yang Mirwana tampilkan bersesuaian dengan jiwa anak muda masakini. Diharap Mirwana dapat merakam semula album-album mereka di zaman persekolahan dulu.

Mirwana kini dianggotai: Hafiz, Izzat, Along, Ikram (adik Izzat), Naim & Akmal. Mirwana ni pada pengamatan aku yang kerdil ni, mula famous bila official album mereka bertajuk Album Hikmah kembara, diikuti Aku Tanpa Cintamu (tambahan beberapa lagu Seruan Lima Waktu), dan yang terbaru bakal muncul Bumi Akhir Usia.

Antara lagu dalam album ini:

Mirwana's Facebook
Mirwana Fan Club

Friday, November 20, 2009

Berakhirnya semester yang mencabar

Alhamdulillah, selamat sudah exam untuk semester ni. Tapi tak ku pasti adakah ku benar-benar mampu buat sehabis baik. Harapanku semoga semua yang telah ku pelajari ini dapat ku manfaatkan sesungguhnya demi masa depan ku.

Buat roomate ku Fadli dan Syarif, segulung tahniah ku ucapkan kerana berjaya menamatkan penantian yang ditunggu sekian lama dengan bergelar "Graduan". Selamat menempuh alam pekerjaan. Buat Rizuddin, marilah kita bersama-sama meneruskan usaha kita untuk semester akhir pada tahun hadapan, semoga kita memperoleh kejayaan yang diidamkan.

Akhir kata dariku, selamat bercuti semester, musim tengkujuh dan banjir ni jangan main hujan ye...hehe.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Adik ku telah melangkah bendul...haha

Salam semua, msti kome pelik ngape teman ckp adik teman dah mlangkah bendul, hakikatnya bkn beliau menikah awl dariku, tp sbnrnye pd 11 October yg lps, bgelar sudah adikku seorg Graduan. Walaupun hanya Diploma dalam Computer Networking di UNIKL, sedikit sbyk cukup membanggakan bonda dan ayahandaku. Kini, adikku telah myambung pngajian ke peringkat Ijazah di UNIKL jgk, ak doakan beliau bjaya dan tabah dlm mnuntut ilmu...Amin!

Bila mlihatkn adikku di Majlis Konvokesyennya di PICC, Putrajaya, hati kecilku merintih, sempatkah aku selaku anak yg sulung membahagiakan ibu bapaku? Ingin sekali mgenggam sgulung Ijazah di hadapan ibu bapaku. Insya'Allah..1 sem yg terakhir akn dtg ni akn ku manfaat sesungguhnya demi melengkapkan ilmu dan pengalamanku sebelum b'khidmat kepada masyarakat di luar sana selaras dengan tuntutan Islam.

Kepada ayah dan bonda, adinda2ku, rakan-rakan, ku berharap doa dari kalian agar diri yg kerdil ini bisa menjadi insan berguna di dunia dan akhirat...Insya' Allah, Amin!

Majlis Konvokesyen ni dah lame, 10 October lepas, just aku tak berkesempatan nak m'update blog disebabkan hambatan waktu dan kerja sbg seorg student.

Alhamdulillah, kini ak brehat sbentar di kampung halaman smentara myambung hari "peperangan" (exam) yg akn diadakan pd 9 November dan sterusnya. Insya' Allah pd 8 November ini akan ku berangkat ke medan perang, akan ku lipat gandakan usahaku agar menepati erti Jihad yg selayaknya.

Ya Allah, permudahkan segala urusanku, lapangkan hatiku, berika kecergasan pd tubuhku, kecerdasan pada mindaku, ktenangan hati, dan dijauhkan dari penyakit syak dan sangka...Amin!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Inilah "Kuda" Baru Di Rumahku

Salam, gmbr ni diambil sehari slps exam PMIT yg mcabar...heh. Alhamdulilah, 3 paper dah kutempuhi.

My next paper will be on 9 November, jauh btl gap, so ak mngambil ksmptn sminggu ni utk plg ke kmpg halaman tcinta, btemu ayh bonda di Perak. Hopefully, restu mreka mngiringiku utk meneruskan baki 4 paper utk sem ni.

Mcabar btl sem ni, ak buat julang kalinya mengambil 7 sbjk sekaligus, letih ade, stress pn ade, tp itulah asam garam dlm mnuntut ilmu. So rgnla sdikit sbjk utk sem dpn (t'akhir di UIA).

Okla, spt mane yg tertera di atas nun, "Kuda" br ayh ku, dh lama beliau tringin "kuda" 2, so bjy jgk beliau memperolehinya walaupun hanya Modenas Jaguh 2nd hand je. Ak pn dh try, adela rs cm Awie...haha. Ok, c u in next entry. Wassalam.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflections on the IT Project Management Class.

The best thing I like from this course are exposure in managing the project especially in Information Technology, lecture always show the example that relate with this course and reality inside or outside university, so we are not just get the theoretical part, but in the same time we got the practical too. The most important thing is this course encourages us to manage properly and become a good project manager and teams because Islam emphasized us to be trustful or Amanah in dealing with people and all the things we do.

The uncomfortable thing I dislike from this course is class time. It is because this course start at 5.30 p.m until 7 p.m. Thus, it is the uncomfortable time for students because they suppose to get rest or involve in sport to get the healthy mind and body. Besides, this course have so many task compared to other IT course, so it also effect our time management as students. In this course we have two assignments, 2 class tests, 3 part of e-portfolio, and too many presentations. But in my own opinion, even this course have many task to be completed, it help us to practice what we have learnt in class. Furthermore, the templates or sample given by lecturer is not too perfect and suitable to give clear information for students because it is too different from what we have learned in class. For the templates of group project, hopefully lecturer can provide at least one sample of the best group project not to be imitated, but just to get information and adapt to our project. As a result, students fulfill the requirements that needed by the lecturer.

My proposed suggestions to improve the course delivery and content are allocate time for teaching and introduce the software that relate to the project management. It is because based on previous group project my group and I need to study first how to use the software Microsoft Project because we never use this software before. Lecturer also need to allocate time how to develop technical writing, teamwork, and demonstrates good oral presentation skills. In this situation also, students have difficulty to know which document should be prepared in their report, what form of task that fulfill lecturer needs. Therefore, for the previous group project we just include what is suitable.

If I had more time, I wish I had done differently for the course in terms of group project because we know we can perform more than what we gave in previous, but because of some misunderstanding about what requirements is needed in group project, so we just focus on what are important based on templates. Besides, for the e-portfolio, I hope I can give Professional appearance (free of spelling/grammatical errors, organized, uncluttered, easily navigated, all links must work), but this my first time using blog, so I just try my best in developing my own blog. Even I faced diificultiy in develop this blog, but I admit this task give more benefits to myself in line with technology and Shariah. Insya’ Allah after this course I can use for my own purpose with good intention.

Other Class Works. (Assignment 1&2)

Chapter 12: Project Procurement Management

Procurement means acquiring goods and/or services from an outside source. Outsourcing is important because it reduce both fixed and recurrent costs, allow the client organization to focus on its core business, access skills and technologies, provide flexibility, and increase accountability. There are six main processes of project procurement management such as planning purchases and acquisitions, planning contracting, requesting seller responses, selecting sellers, administering the contract, and closing the contract.

Planning purchases and acquisitions involves determining what to procure, when, and how. There are several tools and techniques to help project managers and their teams in planning purchases and acquisitions, including make-or-buy analysis, expert judgment, and contract types. Outputs of this process include a procurement management plan, contract statement of work, make-or-buy decisions, and requested changes to the project that might result from this process.

Planning contracting involves describing requirements for the products or services desired from the procurement and identifying potential sources or sellers. A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a document used to solicit proposals from prospective suppliers. A Requested for Quote (RFQ) is a document used to solicit quotes or bids from prospective suppliers. Outputs include procurement documents, such as a Request for Proposal (RFP), evaluation criteria, and updates to the contract statement of work.

Requesting seller responses involves obtaining information, quotes, bids, offers, or proposal from sellers, as appropriate. The main outputs of this process include a qualified sellers list, a procurement document package, and proposals.

Selecting sellers involves choosing from among potential suppliers through a process of evaluating potential sellers and negotiating the contract. Outputs include selected sellers, contracts, a contract management plan, resource availability, information, updates to the procurement management plan, and requested changes.

Administering the contract involves managing the relationship with the selected seller. Outputs include contract documentation, requested changes, recommended corrective actions, and updates to organizational process assets and the project management plan.

Closing the contract involves completion and settlement of each contract, including resolution of any open items. Outputs of this process include closed contracts and updates to organizational process assets.

Chapter 11: Project Risk Management

Project risk management is the art and science of identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of meeting project objectives. There are six major processes involved in risk management such as risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning, risk monitoring and control.

Risk management planning involves deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for the project. The main output of this process is a risk management plan. Risk can be categorized in terms of market risk, financial risk, technology risk, people risk, and structure/process risk. Risk breakdown structure is useful tools that can help project managers consider potential risk in different categories.

Risk identification involves determining which risks are likely to affect a project and documenting the characteristics of each. The main output of this process is the start of a risk register. Five common information-gathering techniques include brainstorming, the Delphi Technique, interviewing, root cause analysis, and SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

Qualitative risk analysis involves prioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence. Qualitative risk analysis can be performed by using Probability/Impact Matrixes to calculate risk factors and Top Ten Risk Item Tracking technique. The main output of this process is updates to the register.

Quantitative risk analysis involves numerically estimating the effects of risks on project objectives. Quantitative risk analysis can be performed by Decision Trees and Expected Monetary Value, Simulation (Monte Carlo analysis), and Sensitivity analysis. The main output of this process is also updates to the register.

Risk response planning involves taking steps to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to meeting project objectives. There are four response strategies for negative risks are risk avoidance, risk acceptance, risk transference, and risk mitigation. Meanwhile, four response strategies for positive risks are risk exploitation, risk sharing, risk enhancement, and risk acceptance. Using outputs from the preceding risk management processes, project teams can develop risk response strategies that often result in updates to the risk register and project management plan as well as risk-related contractual agreements.

Risk monitoring and control involves monitoring identified and residual risks, identifying new risks, carrying out risk response plans, and evaluating the effectiveness of risk strategies throughout the life of the project. Project teams sometimes use workarounds when they do not have contingency plan in place. The main outputs of this process include recommended corrective and preventive actions, requested changes, and updates to the risk register, project management plan, and organizational process assets.

Chapter 10: Project Communications Management

Project communications management ensures timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and disposition of project information. There are four main processes in project communications management such as communications planning, information distribution, performance reporting, and managing stakeholders.

Communications planning involves determining the information and communications needs of the stakeholders: who needs what information, when will the information be given to them. The output of this process is a communications management plan.

Information distribution involves making needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner. The main outputs of this process are updates to organizational process assets and requested changes. Important considerations for information distribution include the use of technology, formal and informal communications, select the appropriate communications medium, understand group and individual communication needs, set the stage for communicating bad news, and determine the numbers of communications channels.

Performance reporting involves collecting and disseminating performance information, including status reports, progress measurement, and forecasting. The outputs of this process are performance reports, forecasts, requested changes, recommended corrective actions, and updates to organizational process assets.

Managing stakeholders involves managing communications to satisfy the needs and expectations of project stakeholders and to resolve issues. The outputs of this process are resolved issues, approved change requests and corrective actions, and updates to organizational process assets and the project management plan.

There are several suggestions for improving project communications such as using communication skills to manage conflict, developing better communication skills, running effective meetings, using E-Mail, Instant Messaging, and collaborative tools effectively, and using templates for project communications.

Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Solution and similar products provides the tools to enhance communications such as portfolio management, resource management, and project collaboration.

Chapter 9: Project Human Resource Management

Project human resource management includes the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved with a project. It includes all project stakeholders: sponsors, customers, project team members, support staff, suppliers supporting the project, and so on. There are four processes for human resource management such as human resource planning, acquiring the project team, developing the project team, and managing the project team.

Human resource planning involves identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. Key outputs of this process include roles and responsibilities, an organizational chart for the project, and a staffing management plan.

Acquiring the project team involves getting the needed personnel assigned to and working on the project. The project team can be acquired by resource assignment, resource loading, and resource leveling. Key outputs of this process are project staff assignments, resource availability information, and updates to the staffing management plan.

Developing the project team involves building individual and group skills to enhance project performance. Project team can be developed by training, team building activities, and reward and recognition systems. The main output of this process is assessing team performance.

Managing the project team involves tracking team member performance, motivating team members, providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, coordinating changes to help enhance project performance. Outputs of this process include requested changes, recommended corrective and preventive actions, updates to organizational process assets, and updates to the project management plan.

Managing people can be handled by motivation theories like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, McClelland’s Acquired-Needs Theory, and McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. Besides, it also can be solved by Thamhain and Wilemon’s Influence and Power and Covey and Improving Effectiveness.

There are several tools and techniques available to assist in managing project teams such as observation and conversation, project performance appraisals, conflict management and issue logs

Spreadsheets and project management software such as Microsoft Project 2007 can help project managers to produce responsibility assignment matrixes, create resource histograms, identifying over allocated resources, level resources, and provide various views and reports related to project human resources management.

Chapter 8: Project Quality Management

Project quality management ensures that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. There are three processes for project quality management such as quality planning, quality assurance and quality control.

Quality planning includes identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy those standards. The main outputs of this process are a quality management plan, quality metrics, quality checklists, a process improvement plan, a quality baseline, and updates to the project management plan.

Quality assurance involves periodically evaluating overall project performance to ensure that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. The main outputs of this process are requested changes, recommended corrective actions, and updates to organization process assets and the project management plan.

Quality control involves monitoring specific project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant quality standards while identifying ways to improve overall quality. The main outputs of this process include quality control measurement, validated and recommended defect repair, recommended corrective and preventive actions, requested changes, validated deliverables, and updates to the quality baseline, organization process assets, and the project management plan.

There are several tools for quality control like cause-and-effect diagrams (fishbone or Ishikawa diagrams) to trace complaints about quality problems back to the responsible production operations. Control Chart – a graphic display of data that illustrate the results of a process over time. Run chart displays the history and pattern of variation of a process over time. Scatter diagram helps to show if there is a relationship between two variables. Histogram - a bar graph of a distribution of variables. Pareto Chart - a histogram that can help you identify and prioritize problem areas. Flowcharts are graphic displays of the logic and flow of process that help to analyze how problems occur and how processes can be improved.

The technique for quality control like statistical sampling that involves choosing part of a population of interest for inspection. Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining and maximizing. Testing needs to be done during almost every phase of the systems development life cycle, not just before the organization ships or hands over a product to the customer.

There is modern quality management that requires customer satisfaction, prefers prevention to inspection, and recognizes management responsibility for quality. The major contributions made by Deming, Juran, Crosby, Ishikawa, Taguchi, Feigenbaum, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and ISO standards.

There are the ways to improve information technology project quality such as through leadership, the cost of quality, organizational influences, workplace factors, and quality, expectations and cultural differences in quality, and maturity models.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chapter 7: Project Cost Management

Project cost management includes the processes required to ensure that a project team completes a project within an approved budget. There are three processes for project cost management such as cost estimating, cost budgeting, and cost control.

Cost estimating is to develop an approximation or estimate of the costs of the resources needed to complete a project. A cost management plan is a document that describes how the organization will manage cost variance on the project. Four typical problems with IT cost estimates can be classified as estimates are done too quickly, lack of estimating experience, human beings are biased toward underestimation, and management desires accuracy.

There are three basic types of cost estimates: rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate – provides an estimate of what a project will cost, budgetary estimate – to allocate money into an organization’s budget, definitive estimate – provides an accurate estimate of project costs.

The basic tools and techniques for cost estimates can be divide into three types: analogous or top-down estimates – use the actual cost of a previous, similar project as the basis for estimating the cost of the current project, bottom-up estimates – estimating individual work items or activities and summing them to get a project total, parametric modeling – uses project characteristics (parameters) in a mathematical model to estimate project costs.

Cost budgeting is to allocate the overall cost estimate to individual work items to establish a baseline for measuring performance. It involves allocating the project cost estimate to individual work items over time. The main goal of this process is to produce a cost baseline for measuring project performance and project funding requirements. A cost baseline is a time-phased budget that project managers use to measure and monitor cost performance.

Cost control is to control changes to the project budget. It includes monitoring cost performance, ensuring that only appropriate project changes are included in a revised cost baseline, and informing project stakeholders of authorized changes to the project that will affect costs.

Earn value management (EVM) is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time, and cost data. A baseline is the original project plan plus approved changes. EVM involves calculating three values for each activity or summary activity from a project’s WBS such as planned value (PV), actual cost (AC), and earned value (EV).

There are five levels for project portfolio management such as put all projects in one database, prioritize the projects in database, divide projects into two or three budgets based on type of investment, automate the repository, and apply modern portfolio theory, including risk-return tools that map project risk on a curve.

Chapter 6: Project Time Management

Project time management can be defined as the processes required to ensure timely completion of a project. There are six main processes involved in project time management such as activity definition, activity sequencing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule control.

Activity definition is to identify the specific activities that the project team members and stakeholders must perform to produce the project deliverables. The goal of this process is to ensure that the project team has complete understanding of all the work they must do as part of the project scope so they can start scheduling the work.

Activity sequencing is to identify and document the relationships between project activities. It reviews the activity list and attributes, project scope statement, milestone list, and approved change requests to determine the relationships between activities. It also involves evaluating the reasons for dependencies and the different types of dependencies such as mandatory dependencies, discretionary dependencies, and external dependencies. The format of network diagram that preferred technique for showing activity sequencing is activity-on-arrow (AOA) approach or the arrow diagramming method (ADM) – activities are represented by arrows and connected at points called nodes to illustrate the sequence of activities. The precedence diagramming method (PDM) is a network diagramming technique in which boxes represent activities.

Activity resource estimating is to estimate how many resources people, equipment, and materials a project team should use to perform project activities. A resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical structure that identifies the project’s resources by category and type.

Activity duration estimating is to estimate the number of the work periods that are needed to complete individual activities. Duration includes the actual amount of time worked on an activity plus elapsed time. Effort is the number of workdays or work hours required to complete a task and not normally equal duration. A three-point estimate is an estimate that includes an optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimate. It is required for performing PERT estimates and Monte Carlo simulations.

Schedule development is to analyze activity sequences, activity resource estimates, and activity duration estimates to create the project schedule. It uses the results of all the preceding project time management processes to determine the start and end dates of the project. The ultimate goal of this process is to create realistic project schedule that provides a basis for monitoring project progress for the time dimension of the project. There are several tools and techniques assist in this process: Gantt chart – a common tool for displaying project schedule information, Critical path analysis – a very important tool for developing and controlling project schedules, Critical chain scheduling – a technique that focuses on limited resources when creating a project schedule, PERT analysis – a means for considering schedule risk on projects.

Schedule control is to control and manage changes to the project schedule. The goal of schedule control is to know the status of the schedule, influence the factors that cause schedule changes, determine that the schedule has changed, and manage changes when they occur.

Chapter 5: Project Scope Management

Project scope management can be defined as the processes involved in defining and controlling what is or is not included in a project. There are five main processes involved in project scope management such as scope planning, scope definition, creating the WBS, scope verification and scope control.

Scope planning is to decide how the scope will be defined, verified, controlled, and how the WBS will be created. The project’s size, complexity, importance, and other factors will affect how much effort is spent on scope planning. The scope management plan is a document that includes descriptions of how the team will prepare the project scope statement, create the WBS, verify completion of the project deliverables, and control requests for changes to the project scope.

Scope definition is to review the project charter and preliminary scope statement created during the initiation process and adding more information as requirements are developed and change requests are approved. Good scope definition is very important to project success because it helps improve the accuracy of time, cost, and resource estimates, it defines a baseline for performance measurement and project control, and it aides in communicating clear work responsibilities.

Creating the WBS is to subdivide the major project deliverables into smaller and more manageable components. A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines the total scope of the project. WBS is a foundation document in project management because it provides the basis for planning and managing project schedules, costs, resources, and changes. There are five approaches to develop WBS such as using guidelines, the analogy approach, the top-down approach, the bottom-up approach, and the mind-mapping approach.

Scope verification is to formalize acceptance of the completed project scope by the stakeholders. This acceptance is often achieved by a customer inspection and then sign-off on key deliverables.

Scope control is to control changes to project scope. The main purpose for this process is to influence the factors that cause scope changes, assure changes are processed according to procedures developed as part of integrated change control, and manage changes when they occur. Variance is the difference process between planned and actual performance.

There are several suggestions for improving user input such as develop a good project selection process, have users on the project team, have regular meetings with defined agendas, deliver something to project users and sponsors on a regular basis, do not promise to deliver what cannot be delivered in a particular time-frame, and co-locate users with developers.

Besides, there are several suggestions in reducing incomplete and changing requirements such as develop and follow a requirements management process, employ techniques like prototyping, use case modeling, and Joint Application Design to understand user requirements thoroughly, put all requirements in writing and keep them current and readily available, create a requirements management database for documenting and controlling requirements, provide adequate testing to verify that the project’s perform as expected, and use a process for reviewing requested requirements changes from a systems perspective, emphasize completion dates, and allocate resources specifically for handling change requests.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chapter 4: Project Integration Management

There are seven processes under project integration management which are develop project charter, develop the preliminary project scope statement, develop the project management plan, direct and manage project execution, monitor and control the project work, perform integrated change control, and close the project. Develop the project charter is working with stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes a project – the charter. A project charter is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on the project’s objectives and management. Develop the preliminary project scope statement is working with stakeholders, especially users of the project’s products, services, or results, to develop the high-level scope requirements and create a preliminary project scope statement. A scope statement is a document used to develop and confirm a common understanding of the project scope. It’s important for preventing scope creep (the tendency for scope to keep getting bigger). Develop the project management plan is coordinating all planning efforts to create a consistent, coherent document – the project management plan. A project management plan is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide a project’s execution and control. Direct and manage project execution is carrying out the project management plan by performing the activities included in it. The majority of time and money is usually spent on execution. Monitor and control the project work is overseeing project work to meet the performance objectives of the project. Monitoring project work includes collecting, measuring, and disseminating performance information. Two important outputs include recommended corrective and preventive actions. Perform integrated change control is coordinating changes that affect the project’s deliverables and organizational process assets. A change control system is a formal, documented process that describes when and how official project documents may be changed. Close the project is finalizing all the project activities to formally close the project. The main outputs include administrative closure procedures, contract closure procedures, final products, services, or results, and organizational process asset updates.

The planning process for selecting information technology projects can be classified into four stages such as information technology strategy planning, business area planning, project planning, and resource allocation. Information technology strategy planning is to tie information technology strategy to mission and vision of organization and identify key business areas. Business area analysis is document key business processes that could benefit from information technology. Project planning is defining potential projects; define project scope, benefits, and constraints. Resource allocation is to select information technology projects, and assigns resources.

Methods of selecting projects can be divided into five common techniques such as focusing on broad organizational needs (needs, funds, and will), categorizing information technology projects (problems, opportunity, and directive), performing net present value or other financial analyses (return on investment and payback analysis), using a weighted scoring model (a systematic process for selecting projects), and implementing a balanced scorecard (select and manage projects that align with business strategy).

Chapter 3: The Project Management Process Groups

There are five processes under project management process groups which are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing. Initiating is defining and authorizing a project or project phase. The main goal of project initiation is to recognize and start new project. Planning is devising and maintaining a workable scheme to ensure that the project addresses the organization’s needs. The main purpose for project planning is to guide execution. Executing is coordinating people and other resources to carry out the various plans and produce the products, services, or results of the project or phase. Project executing is taking the actions necessary to ensure that activities in the project plan are completed. Monitoring and controlling is regularly measuring and monitoring progress to ensure that the project team meets the project objectives. Project monitoring and controlling is to monitor deviation from the plan, and taking corrective action match progress with the plan. Closing is formalizing acceptance of the project or project phase and ending it efficiently. Project closing is to gain stakeholder and customer acceptance of the final products and services.

The relationships among project management process groups and knowledge area can be classified as follows: project integration management – initiating (develop project charter, develop preliminary project scope statement), planning (develop project management plan), executing (direct manage project execution), monitoring and controlling (monitor and control project work, integrated change control), closing (close project). Project scope management – planning (scope planning, scope definition, create WBS), monitoring and controlling (scope verification, scope control). Project time management – planning (activity definition, activity sequencing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule development), monitoring and controlling (schedule control). Project cost management – planning (cost estimating, cost budgeting), monitoring and controlling (cost control). Project quality management – planning (quality planning), executing (perform quality assurance), monitoring and controlling (perform quality control). Project human resource management – planning (human resource planning), executing (acquire project team, develop project team), monitoring and controlling (manage project team). Project communications management – planning (communications planning), executing (information distribution), monitoring and controlling (performance reporting, manage stakeholders). Project risk management – planning (risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning), monitoring and controlling (risk monitoring and control). Project procurement management – planning (plan purchases and acquisitions, plan contracting), executing (request seller, responses, select sellers), monitoring and controlling (contract administration), closing (contact closure).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Chapter 2: The Project Management and Information Technology Context

Systems approach can be defined as a holistic and analytical approach to solving complex problems by using systems philosophy, systems analysis and systems management. Systems philosophy focus on whole model of thinking for the system, meanwhile systems analysis is more on problem solving approach. Systems management addresses the business, technological and organizational issues before certain changes ca be done to the systems.

The three sphere model for systems management is useful in order to selecting and managing projects successful by considering business, organization and technology issues and their effects entire systems. Business issues is focusing on business prospect or financial management for the system, meanwhile organization issues cover the need and satisfaction from inside company or firm or organization and target user for the system. Technology issues are more about technology usage for the system by using software and hardware. In order to, ensure the project success; project managers must integrate these issues into their planning.

There are four frames of organization such as structural frame, human resources frame, political frame and symbolic frame. Structural frame is very rational and focuses on coordination and control. It can be described how the organization is structured and focuses on different groups’ roles and responsibilities to meet the goals and policies set by top management. Human resources frame focuses on producing harmony between the needs of the organization and the needs of the people. Political frame addresses organizational and personal politics. This is the form of competition or coalitions among groups or individuals for power and leadership in decision making. Symbolic frame focuses on symbols and meanings that related to the company’s culture or event.

Organizational structures can be classified into three types such as functional, project and matrix. Functional organization structure is the hierarchy that focuses on basic function or specialist in the organization or firm to report to CEO. Meanwhile, project organization structure is the hierarchy that focuses on program managers for each project will report to CEO. Besides, matrix organizational structure where the hierarchy can be presented by the middle ground between functional and project, and will report to both a functional manager and one or more project managers. This type of structure can be strong, weak, or balanced, based on the amount of control exerted by the project managers.

The important of top management commitment for successful management is to control all the project activities within organization; they have authority in making decision to represent the whole firm or organization after meeting with their main board. Therefore, top management commitment is crucial to project managers because a project manager must have sufficient resources to develop the project, by having top management commitment the project can not be distracted by other thing. In addition, they needs an approval for unique project in timely manner, so he need top management commitment to meets specific needs in the project. Furthermore, they must get full attention and cooperation from other part of organization, top management can help them to deal with political issues and encourage functional manager to cooperate. Moreover, they need someone to control and guide them on leadership issues, senior manager should advise and encourage new project managers to take classes to develop their skills, allocate time and fund.

Traditional project life cycle phases include concept, development, implementation, and close-out phase. The first two phases focus on planning and known as project feasibility. The last two phases focus on delivering the actual work and known as project acquisition.

There are two types of life cycle for system development projects which are predictive and adaptive life cycle. Predictive life cycle means the schedule and cost can predicted, meanwhile project can be articulated. On the other hand, adaptive software development life cycle where requirements cannot be expressed, mission driven project and component based, also using time-based cycles to meet target dates.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Project Management

There are triple constraints of project management such as scope, time and cost where a project manager must meet these three elements or goals to achieve a successful project management. The scope element may refer to the limited or required task to be perform in the project; meanwhile time element may focus on duration or estimate time in completing the project and cost element emphasize on budget or expenditure of the project. The important things here are these elements or goals relate each others, in order to change one element, other element need to change together.

Project management knowledge areas explain about the key competencies that project managers must develop. These knowledge areas are divided into three parts: Four core knowledge that lead to specific project objectives such as scope, time, cost, quality. Project quality management ensures that the project will satisfy the needs of the project. Four facilitating knowledge are the processes through which the project objectives are achieved such as human resource, communication, risk, and procurement. Project human resource management means making effective use of people in project. Project communications management means involves generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information. Project risk management includes identifying, analyzing, and responding to risks related to the project. Project procurement management involves acquiring or procuring goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization. One knowledge area for project integration management as an over searching function that affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge areas.

Project portfolio management is where organizations group manages projects and programs as a portfolio of investments that contribute to the entire enterprise’s success. Portfolio management addresses strategic goals which emphasize long-term goals for an organization. Meanwhile, project management addresses tactical goals that are generally more specific and short-term goals.

There are suggested skills for project managers such as the project management body of knowledge, application area knowledge, standard, and regulations, project environment knowledge, general management knowledge and skills, and soft skills or human relations skills. The most important skills and competencies for project managers such as people skills, leadership, listening, integrity, ethical behavior, consistent, strong at building trust, verbal communication, strong at building teams, conflict resolution, conflict management, critical thinking, problem solving, and understands, balances priorities. All of these skills needed in various situations for instance in large projects or high uncertainty projects, or very novel projects.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Educational And Career Goals.

Background Study:
Sekolah Rendah Islam Az-Zafirah (Standard 1-2)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Permata (Standard 3-6)

Sekolah Rendah Agama Taman Permata (Standard 3-6)

Sekolah Agama Menengah Rawang (SAMER) (Form 1-3)

Sekolah Menengah Agama Izzuddin Shah (SIS) (Form 4-5)

Matriculation Centre of IIUM (2 Years)

International Islamic University Malaysia (4 Years)

Programme: Bachelor of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage al-Qur'an and Sunnah Studies.

Kulliyyah: Kulliyyah Of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences.

Minor: Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Career Goals: I want to be Islamic officer in State Islamic Council or any position in companies that give me the opportunity to work in ICT within Islamic environment. I’m also like to be a lecturer or teacher in order to help my future generation. I wish to further my study as much as I can.

About Me

Name: Mohd Zaid Khairi B. Ainul Jamal.

Native Country: Malaysia.

Native State: W.P Kuala Lumpur and Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Family Background: The eldest son from three siblings. (All of us are “Hero” to my mom and dad).

Personal Interests: I like to read newspaper especially about Political and History. I’m also like to listening and singing especially Nasyid songs.

Mission: To acknowledge the comprehensiveness of Islam (Quran and Sunnah) as the sources of knowledge.

Vision: Islam is the way of life.